DatePickerIOS plus ExpandableCell

In the next step, you should modify the AddExpensesModal component to contain the following things:

  • A DatePickerIOS component that sets only the date--without time--the expense was made on. It should default to today's date if not specified:
    • You should import and wrap DatePickerIOS around the ExpandableCell component we built for Tasks.
  • A line of text that explains the date on which the expense was made.

This is how I added ExpandableCell to AddExpensesModal:

// Expenses/app/components/AddExpensesModal/index.js ... import {   DatePickerIOS,   ... } from 'react-native';  import moment from 'moment'; import ExpandableCell from '../ExpandableCell'; ... export default class AddExpensesModal extends Component ...

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