CurrentMonthExpenses example

The first thing I did was add and export a function called getMonthObject into storageMethods.js:

// Expenses/app/utils/storageMethods.js ... export const getMonthObject = async (month, year) => {   let response = await getAsyncStorage();    if (response[year] && response[year][month]) {     return response[year][month];   } } ... 

The getMonthObject method grabs the expenses object from AsyncStorage, checks for the existence of the year and month object, then returns it if possible. Here is how I used that method within the new currentMonthExpenses component:

// Expenses/app/components/CurrentMonthExpenses/index.js import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';  import {   ListView,   Text,   View } from 'react-native'; ...

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