Image and Video Coding—Emerging Standards and Beyond

Barry G. Haskell,     Fellow, IEEE

Paul G. Howard and Yann A. LeCun,     Member, IEEE

Atul Puri,     Member, IEEE

Jöern Ostermann,     Member, IEEE

M.Reha Civanlar,     Member, IEEE

Lawrence Rabiner,     Fellow, IEEE

Leon Bottou and Patrick Haffner


In this paper, we make a short foray through coding standards for still images and motion video. We first briefly discuss standards already in use, including: Group 3 and Group 4 for bilevel fax images; JPEG for still color images; and H.261, H.263, MPEG-1, and MPEG-2 for motion video. We then cover newly emerging standards such as JBIG1 and JBIG2 for bilevel fax images, JPEG-2000 for still color images, and H.263+ and ...

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