Disk scheduling in a multimedia I/O system

A. L. Narasimha Reddy and Jim Wyllie,     IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120.; ACM Multimedia 93 /6/93/CA, USA, © 1993 ACM 0-89791-596-8/93/0008/0225…$ 1.50


In this paper, we look at the problem of disk scheduling in a multimedia I/O system. In a multimedia server, the disk requests may have constant data rate requirements and need guaranteed service. We propose a new scheduling algorithm, SCAN-EDF, that combines the features of SCAN type of seek optimizing algorithms with Earliest Deadline First (EDF) type of real-time scheduling algorithms. We compare SCAN-EDF with other scheduling strategies and show that SCAN-EDF combines the best features of both SCAN ...

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