Human Perception of Media Synchronization
Ralf Steinmetz and Clemens Engler, Technical Report 43.9310; IBM European Networking Center, Vangerowstraße 18 • 69115 Heidelberg • Germany, Phone: +49-6221-59-3000 • 49 Fax: +49-6221-59-3400. E-mail address: steinmet@dhdibml.bitnet, steinmet@heidelbg.vnet, engler@dhdibml.bitnet
Multimedia synchronization comprises the definition and the establishment of temporal relationships among audio, video, and other data. The presentation of ‘in sync’ data streams by computers is essential to achieve a natural impression. If data is ‘out of sync’, the human perception tends to identify the presentation as artificial, strange, or annoying. Therefore, the goal of any multimedia system is to present ...
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