Chapter 26
Answers and Explanations to Practice Exam Four
I assume that you took these practice exams in order, at least the first time through. If so, your score on this should be great. If not, don’t worry. After you’ve checked through all your answers, go back as you did in the earlier exams and see in which areas you need more study. You’ll see that once again I’ve grouped the questions by chapter to make it easier for you to identify the subjects that you may need to go over.
Your goal on all of these exams is to get at least 85 correct answers out of a 100. This should give you a safe margin for the actual state exam. If you’ve used a separate piece of paper for your answers, re-do any and all of these exams until you get an 85 or better. And you’ll soon be on your way to your first million dollars in real estate.
(D) Chapter 3
Remuneration is one of those four-dollar words exam writers occasionally like to use. It simply means pay and in this case means kickback, which is a payment the owner doesn’t know about from a contractor hired by the property manager. It’s illegal.
(A) Chapter 3
Everyone must obey office policy. In fact it’s the independent contractor rather than the employee who usually can deduct work expenses. The word standard in Answer (D) should tip you off that this is wrong because independent contractors can’t be made to work certain hours.
(D) Chapter 3
There is no such thing as market division though I imagine some who engage in market allocation might ...
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