Video description
There are a variety of useful applications for real-time data, including quick identification of general patterns and trends in data, performing sentiment analysis, crafting responses in real-time, and—perhaps one of the most important uses—when having analysis immediately will change the outcome of the situation. This course provides an in-depth tour of technologies used in processing and analyzing real-time data.
Table of contents
- Introduction To Cassandra
- Getting Started With The Architecture
- Installing Cassandra
- Communicating With Cassandra
- Creating A Database
- Creating A Table
- Inserting Data
- Modeling Data
Creating An Application
- Understanding Cassandra Drivers
- Exploring The DataStax Java Driver
- Setting Up A Development Environment
- Creating An Application Page
- Acquiring The DataStax Java Driver Files
- Getting The DataStax Java Driver Files Through Maven
- Providing The DataStax Java Driver Files Manually
- Connecting To A Cassandra Cluster
- Executing A Query
- Displaying Query Results - Part 1
- Displaying Query Results - Part 2
- Using An MVC Pattern
- Pop Quiz - Creating an Application
- Lab: Create A Second Application - Part 1
- Lab: Create A Second Application - Part 2
- Lab: Create A Second Application - Part 3
- Updating And Deleting Data
- Selecting Hardware
Adding Nodes To A Cluster
- Understanding Cassandra Nodes
- Having A Network Connection - Part 1
- Having A Network Connection - Part 2
- Having A Network Connection - Part 3
- Specifying The IP Address Of A Node In Cassandra
- Specifying Seed Nodes
- Bootstrapping A Node
- Cleaning Up A Node
- Using cassandra-stress
- Pop Quiz - Adding Nodes to a Cluster
- Lab: Add A Third Node
- Monitoring A Cluster
- Repairing Nodes
- Removing A Node
- Redefining A Cluster For Multiple Data Centers
Resources For FurTher Learning
- Accessing Documentation
- Reading Blogs And Books
- Watching Video Recordings
- Posting Questions
- Attending Events
- Wrap Up
- The Case for Kafka
- The Basics
- Setting up a Kafka Cluster
- Writing a Kafka Producer
- Writing a Kafka Consumer
- Using Kafka from Python
- Troubleshooting Kafka
- Integrating Kafka and Hadoop with Flafka
- Kafka Availability and Consistency
- Kafka Ecosystem
- Future of Kafka
- Pre-Flight Check
- Spark Deconstructed
- A Brief History
- Simple Spark Apps
- Spark Essentials
- Spark Examples
- Unifying the Pieces - Spark SQL
- Unifying the Pieces - Spark Streaming
- Unifying the Pieces - MLlib and GraphX
- Unified Workflows Demo
- The Full SDLC
- Developer Certification
- Resources
- Introduction - Why DataFrames?
- ETL to Prepare the Data from Capital Bikeshare
- Create a DataFrame, Explore using SQL
- Data Preparation for Machine Learning Models
- Build a Classifier Using Naive Bayes
- Build a Classifier Using Decision Trees
- Build a Classifier Using Random Forests
- Use a DataFrame to Compare Models
- Parquet as a Best Practice with DataFrames
- How to Store a DataFrame with Parquet
- How to Read a DataFrame Back in From Parquet
- Use SQL to Estimate Route Durations
- Data Preparation for GraphX - Model Route Costs
- Use PageRank to Rank Popular Stations
- Optimize Routes to Columbus Circle
- Compare Results with Google Maps
- Analyze a Popular Tourist Route
- Examples of How to Use DataFrames in Python
- Summary - The New DataFrames Features in Spark
- Introduction - Large-scale real time stream processing and analytics at Strata+Hadoop World - Ben Lorica
- Going Real-time: Data Collection and Stream Processing with Apache Kafka - Jay Kreps
- Say goodbye to batch - Tyler Akidau (Google)
- Stream Processing Everywhere - What to Use? - Jim Scott
- From Source to Solution: Building A System for Machine and Event-Oriented Data - Eric Sammer
- Spark Streaming - The State of the Union, and Beyond - Tathagata Das
- Dynamic Events in Massive Data Streams, from Astrophysics to Marketing Automation - Kirk Borne
- TSAR (the TimeSeries AggregatoR) - How to Count Tens of Billions of Daily Events in Real Time Using Open Source Technologies - Anirudh Todi
- Streaming Analytics: It’s Not The Same Game - Subutai Ahmad
- Realtime Data Analysis Patterns - Mikio Braun (streamdrill)
- The IoT P2P Backbone - Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz
- Practical Methods for Identifying Anomalies That Matter in Large Datasets - Robert Grossman
- Introduction
- Kafka
- Spark
- Spark Streaming
- Cassandra
- Spark and Cassandra
- Real World Use Cases
Product information
- Title: Real-Time Data Applications
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2015
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9781491952610
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