Assemble the Admin Dashboard

At this point in the project, our CartTracker is working from end-to-end. The Presence updates are flowing through our application and making their way to the admin dashboard. The final step in this chapter is to piece together the Presence state into a format that completes our requirements.

In order to make a visually appealing dashboard, we need to do some work with our CSS and HTML. You grabbed the admin.css file earlier in the setup instructions, but there’s a few more files you will need to copy from the book’s source code. If you don’t have the source code, instructions can be found in Online Resources. Copy the completed index template, like so:

 $ ​​cp​​ ​​./index.html.eex​​ ​​\
  ​​lib/sneakers_23_web/templates/admin/dashboard/index.html.eex ...

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