Chapter 14
Acceleration Algorithms
“Now here, you see, it takes all the running you can do to keep
in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you
must run at least twice as fast as that!”
—Lewis Carroll
One of the great myths concerning computers is that one day we will have
enough processing power. Even in a relatively simple application like word
processing, we find that additional power can be applied to all sorts of
features, such as on-the-fly spell and grammar checking, antialiased text
display, voice recognition and dictation, etc.
In real-time rendering, we have at least four performance goals: more
frames per second, higher resolution and sampling rates, more realistic ma-
terials and lighting, and increased complexity. A speed of 60–85 frames per
second is generally considered a fast enough frame rate; see the Introduc-
tion for more on this topic. Even with motion blurring (Section 10.14),
which can lower the frame rate needed for image quality, a fast rate is still
needed to minimize latency when interacting with a scene [1329].
IBM’s T221 LCD display offers 3840 × 2400 resolution, with 200 dots
per inch (dpi) [1329]. A resolution of 1200 dpi, 36 times the T221’s den-
sity, is offered by many printer companies today. A problem with the
T221 is that it is difficult to update this many pixels at interactive rates.
Perhaps 1600 × 1200 is enough resolution for a while. Even with a limit
on screen resolution, antialiasing and motion blur increase the number of
samples needed for generating high-quality images. As discussed in Sec-
tion 18.1.1, the number of bits per color channel can also be increased,
which drives the need for higher precision (and therefore more costly)
As previous chapters have shown, describing and evaluating an object’s
material can be computationally complex. Modeling the interplay of light
646 14. Acceleration Algorithms
Figure 14.1. A “reduced” Boeing model with a mere 350 million triangles rendered with
ray tracing. Sectioning is performed by using a user-defined clipping plane. This model
can be rendered at 15 fps without shadows on 16 Opteron cores, using more flexible but
untuned OpenRT ray tracing code. It can also be rendered at about 4 fps at 640 × 480
with shadows, on heavily tuned code on a dual processor. Once camera movement stops,
the image can be progressively enhanced with antialiasing and soft shadowing. (Image
courtesy of Computer Graphics Group, Saarland University. Source 3D data provided
by and used with permission of the Boeing Company.)
and surface can absorb an arbitrarily high amount of computing power.
This is true because an image should ultimately be formed by the contri-
butions of light traveling down a limitless number of paths from an illumi-
nation source to the eye.
Frame rate, resolution, and shading can always be made more com-
plex, but there is some sense of diminishing returns to increasing any of
these. There is no real upper limit on scene complexity. The render-
ing of a Boeing 777 includes 132,500 unique parts and over 3,000,000 fas-
teners, which would yield a polygonal model with over 500,000,000 poly-
gons [206]. See Figure 14.1. Even if most of those objects are not seen
due to size or position, some work must be done to determine that this
is the case. Neither Z-buffering nor ray tracing can handle such mod-
els without the use of techniques to reduce the sheer number of compu-
tations needed. Our conclusion: Acceleration algorithms will always be
In this chapter, a sm¨org˚asbord of algorithms for accelerating computer
graphics rendering, in particular the rendering of large amounts of geome-
try, will be presented and explained. The core of many such algorithms is
based on spatial data structures, which are described in the next section.
Based on that knowledge, we then continue with culling techniques.These
are algorithms that try to find out which objects are at all visible and need
to be treated further. Level of detail techniques reduce the complexity of
rendering the remaining objects. Finally, systems for rendering very large
models, and point rendering algorithms, are briefly discussed.
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