1008 Index
Crysis, 190, 197, 378, 382, 384, 395, 437,
453, 502, 881
CSAA, see antialiasing, coverage sampling
CSG, 606
CSM, see shadow, map, cascaded
CTM, 36, 841, 883
cube map, 154, 171
cube texture, 171
cube/polygon intersection, see
intersection testing
CubeMapGen, 172, 310, 312
cubic convolution, see texturing,
cubic curve, see curves
cubic environment mapping, see
environment mapping
CUDA, 36, 478, 841, 883
culling, 660–680
approximate visibility, 679
backface, 662–664, 714
orientation consistency, 59
3, 866
clustered backface, 664
detail, 670
early-Z, 643, 857–858, 873
frontface, 663
hardware occlusion query, 674–677
hierarchical Z-buffering, 677–679
hierarchical view frustum, 664–667,
718, 771
image-space, 672, 674, 677, 679
incremental occlusion maps, 680
object-space, 672
occlusion, 652, 670–680, 720
hardware, 856–857
3, 866
representation, 672
portal, 461, 667–670, 720
programmable, 858–859
ray-space, 672
shaft occlusion, 680
view frustum, 664–667, 718, 771
Z, 643, 677, 854, 856–857, 858, 862,
866, 872, 876
Zmax, 856–857
Zmin, 857
curve segment, 589
curved surfaces, see surfaces
B-spline, 609, 610
ezier, 578–583
Bernstein, 581–583
de Casteljau, 579
derivative, 583
rational, 583–584
bias parameter, 590
bounded ezier, 584–585
Catmull-Rom spline, 590
continuity, 585–587
continuity parameter, 591
cubic, 579, 582, 589
degree, 579
GPU rendering, 584–585
Hermite, 587–589, 589
Kochanek-Bartels, 589–592
parametric, 576–592
piecewise, 585
quadratic, 579, 581, 582
quartic, 579
S-shaped, 587, 637
spline, 589, 643
subdivision, 608–611
approximating, 609
Chaikin, 608
interpolating, 609
limit, 608
tension parameter, 589, 609
cylinder, 798–799
D3D runtime, 700
DAC, see digital-to-analog converter
DAG, see directed acyclic graph
dart, 625
data reduction, see simplification, 561
dataflow, 841
Day of Defeat: Source, 475
DDRAM, 852
de Casteljau
ezier curves, 579
ezier patches, 594
ezier triangles, 598
decaling, 181
decimation, see simplification, 561
deferred shading, see shading
demo scene, 415
dependent texture read, see texture
buffer, see buffer, Z-buffer
clamp, 344
complexity, 282, 670, 671, 715, 716,
cueing, 496
of field, 126, 484, 486–489
peeling, 136, 137, 282, 352, 372, 392,
395, 398, 501, 825
sprite, se
e imp

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