1010 Index
cubic, 304–307, 316
filtering, 308–313
irradiance, 314–325, 423
limitations of, 298, 313
parabolic mapping, 307–308, 361
silhouette rendering, 512
sphere mapping, 301–304
with normal mapping, 299
Ericsson Texture Compression, see
texturing, compression
ETC, see texturing, compression, Ericsson
Euclidean space, 889–892
Euler angles, 55, 66, 69, 78
Euler transform, see transform
Euler-Mascheroni constant, 716
Euler-Poincar´eformula,554, 562
EVS, see exact visible set
EWA, 170
exact visible set, 661
exitance, 105, 204, 411
explicit surface, see surfaces
extraordinary vertex, 614
eye space, 17,26
faceter, 533
factorization, see BRDF
fairness, 616
falloff function, 219, 293
false shadow, see shadow
fan, see triangle fan
Far Cry, 277, 421, 485, 710
far plane, 90, 96, 771
Feline, 170
FIFO, 719, 720, 846
fill bounded, see fill limited
fill rate, 702
film frame rate, 490
rotation-invariant, 468
separable, 471, 484
steerable, 483
filtering, 117, 117–124, 132, 468
box filter, 120, 144
Gaussian filter, 123, 132, 468, 484
kernel, 471
lowpass filter, 121, 124
nearest neighbor, 120
sinc filter, 122–123, 468
support, 471
television, 831
tent filter, 120
triangle filter, 120
fin, 504, 522
final gather, 417
first principal direction, 526
five times rule, 206
fixed-function pipeline, see pipeline,
fixed-view effects, 440–443
flat shading, see shading
floor, 632
flow control, 33
dynamic, 33
static, 33
fluorescence, see light, emission
flush, see pipeline
fog, 496–502
color, 496
exponential, 497
factor, 496
glossy reflection, 389
linear, 497
pixel level, 498
, 499
vertex level, 498
volumetric, 501
force feedback, 15
form factor, 409
forward differencing, see differencing
forward mapping, 487
fps, 702
fragment, 22, 137
A-buffer, 129
generation, 843
merge, 843
shader, see pixel, shader
buffer, see buffer
map, 270
rate, 1, 719
constant, 461, 691–692
frame-to-frame coherence, see coherence
frames per second, 13
Fresnel effect, 232
Fresnel equations, 230
Fresnel reflectance, 230
Schlick approximation, 233, 247, 297
front buffer, see buffer
Frostbite, 882
frosted glass, 389
frustum, 19, 771
intersection, see intersection testing
plane extraction, 773–774
frustum/object intersection, see
intersection testing
FSAA, see antialiasing, full-scene
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