Index 1013
repeated, 598
bilinear, 594
linear, 578–581
rotation invariant, 539
trilinear, 166
intersection testing, 725–792
k-DOP/k-DOP, 765–767
k-DOP/ray, 744
box/plane, 755–757
box/ray, 741–746
ray slope, 746
slabs method, 742–744
BV/BV, 762–771
convex polyhedron/ray, 744
crossings test, 752–755
dimension reduction, 737
dynamic, 783–791, 797–802
dynamic separating axis test, see
intersection testing, separating
axis test
dynamic sphere/plane, 784–785
dynamic sphere/polygon, 787–791
dynamic sphere/sphere, 785–786
frustum, 771–778
frustum/box, 777–778
frustum/ray, 744
frustum/sphere, 774–777
hardware-accelerated, 726–727
interval overlap method, 757–760
line/line, 780–782
OBB/OBB, 767–771
SAT lite, 808
octant test, 776, 778
picking, 725–726
plane/ray, 751
polygon/ray, 750–755
rejection test, 731
rules of thumb, 737–738
separating axis, 731
separating axis test, 731, 744, 757,
760, 761, 766, 767, 777
dynamic, 791
lite, 808
shaft/box, 778–780
sphere/box, 763–765
sphere/ray, 738–741
sphere/sphere, 763
static, 783
three planes, 782–783
triangle/box, 760–762
triangle/ray, 746–750
triangle/triangle, 757–760
interval arithmetic, 858
interval overlap method, see intersection
intrinsic functions, 33
inverse displacement mapping, see
texturing, relief
irradiance, 102, 203, 314, 409
map, see environment mapping
volume, 423
irregular vertex, 614
isocube, 306
isosurface, 502, 606, 607
isotropic scaling, see transform, scaling,
jaggies, see aliasing, 117
Java ME, 877
jittering, 60, see antialiasing, 389
joint, 578, 585, 587, 590
Jordan curve theorem, 752
joule, 203
k-ary tree, see tree
k-d tree, see spatial data structure
k-DOP, 675, 730, 731, 744, 762, 765, 783,
collision detection, 807
creation, 732
key, 479
Killzone 2, 280, 493
Kochanek-Bartels curves, see curves
LAB, 216
Lafortune model, see BRDF
Lambert’s law, 110
Lambertian shading, see BRDF,
m, 883
latency, 1, 704, 717, 719–721, 835, 842,
847, 853–854, 861
occlusion query, 674
latitude, 300, 728
law of cosines, see trigonometry
law of sines, see trigonometry
law of tangents, see trigonometry
layered depth image, see impostor
layered distance map, 392
lazy creation, 804
LCD, 134, 830–831
LDI, see impostor, layered depth image
least-crossed criterion, 653
left-handed, see coordinate system
basis, see handedness
lens flare, 482
lenticular display, 837

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