Index 1019
projective texturing, see texturing
projector function, see texturing
proxy object, 648
PRT, see precomputed radiance transfer
PSM, see shadow, map, perspective
purple fringing, 396
PVS, see potentially visible set
Pythagorean relation, see trigonometry
quadratic curve, see curves
quadratic equation, 739, 786
quadtree, see spatial data structure, 654
Quake, 695
Quake II, 418
Quake III, 33, 424
quartic curve, see curves
quaternion, 67, 72–80
addition, 73
conjugate, 73, 74
definition, 72
dual, 85
identity, 73
imaginary units, 72
inverse, 73
laws of multiplication, 74
logarithm, 74
matrix conversion, 76–77
multiplication, 73
norm, 73, 74
power, 74
slerp, 77–79
spherical linear interpolation, 77–78
spline interpolation, 78–79
transforms, 75–80
unit, 74, 75
R11G11B10 float format, 481
R9G9B9E5 format, 481
radian, 205
radiance, 108, 206–208, 212, 311, 316,
409, 411, 442
radiance distribution, 208
radiance transfer, 430
energy, 203
exitance, see exitance
flux, 203
intensity, see intensity
power, 203
radiometry, 101
radiosity, see exitance, 408–412, 537
equation, 410
normal mapping, 420
simplification, 566
range-based fog, see fog
RAPID, see collision detection
raster operations, 24
rasterization equation, 852
perspective-correct, 838
stage, see pipeline
unit, 842
3, 866
Ratatouille, 406, 879, 880, 884
B´ezier curve, see curves, B´ezier
B´ezier patch, see surfaces, B´ezier
linear interpolation, see
ray, 727–728
tracing, 26, 301, 412, 412–416, 437,
736, 804, 806, 814, 841, 875,
876, 883, 884
Monte Carlo, 413
reflection, 391
ray/object intersection, see intersection
reciprocity, 226
reconstruction, 118, 120–123
refinement phase, see surfaces, subdivision
anisotropic, 243
body, 229
directional-hemispherical, 226
equation, 288, 327
isotropic, 243
lobe, see BRDF
surface, 229
volume, see reflectance, body
reflection, 105, 228, 229, 386–392
curved, 391–392
environment mapping, 298, 301, 307
equation, see reflectance, equation
external, 232
glossy, 389
internal, 232, 236
total, 237, 395, 398
law of, 386
map, 309–312
mapping, 298
occlusion, 430
planar, 386–391, 669
transform, 59, 387
reflectometer, 265
refraction, 105, 135, 396–401
glossy, 389
image-space, 398
refractive index, see index of refraction
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