Michael, Abrash. Dr. Dobb’s Journal. 1992; 17(8):149. Also in Abrash, Michael, Zen of Graphics Programming Also see. Coriolis Group, 1996. Also se.

Michael, Ashikhmin, Shirley, Peter, An Anisotropic Phong Model. Technical Report UUCS-00-014. Dept. Computer Science, University of Utah, 2000. [August 13].

Blinn, J. F., Models of Light Reflection for Computer Synthesized Pictures. Proceedings of Siggraph 97, Annual Conference Series. Computer Graphics. 1977:192–198. Wolfe Rosalee, ed. Seminal Graphics: Pioneering Efforts that Shaped the Field. New York: ACM Press, 1998.

Some online BRDF databases: www. cs. columbia. edu/CAVE/coret, www. graphics. cornell. edu/online/measurements, and ...

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