Symbols and Numbers
∧ (circumflex), 10
// (forward slashes), placing C-style comments in shader code, 192–193
– (minus sign). See negate modifier
1D texture, using as a lookup table, 337
2 × 2 bump map matrix, applying, 290
2D transformation calculations, m3×2 macro used for, 237
_2x modifier, 368
3 element vector
multiplying by a 2 × 3 matrix, 306
multiplying by a 3 × 3 matrix, 306
multiplying by a 4 × 3 matrix, 308
3-space, defining a plane in, 17
3×2 matrix multiplies
performing, 344
performing on a 3 element vector, 306
performing with a texture lookup, 345
3×3 matrix multiplies
performing, 347–348
performing followed by a texture lookup, 350
performing on a 3 element vector, 306–308
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