Real World Adobe InDesign CC

Book description

Sharpen your InDesign skills with this definitive resource created specifically for design professionals who need to produce great work in InDesign CC–regardless of the delivery platform. Best-selling authors Olav Martin Kvern, David Blatner, and Bob Bringhurst share their hands-on techniques to help you master InDesign’s advanced layout tools. This book is brimming with insightful advice, illustrations, and shortcuts that will have you producing high-quality work in no time.

This is the book that experts open to find real answers to their questions about InDesign. It’s written in a friendly, visual style that offers accurate information and creative inspiration for every InDesign user, whether you’re publishing to a tablet, mobile phone, or traditional print publication.

In Real World Adobe InDesign CC you’ll learn how to:

  • Use the new Creative Cloud features and enhancements, including managing

  • font menu favorites, QR codes, and much more

  • Prep documents and use the improved EPUB Export feature for web and mobile publishing

  • Take full advantage of the best typesetting features on the market

  • Use best practices for consistent color management

  • Increase productivity with scripts and other automation features

  • Table of contents

    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright Page
    3. Dedication Page
    4. Contents
    5. Introduction
      1. How This Book Was Produced
      2. Bonus Materials
      3. Acknowledgments
    6. Chapter 1. Workspace
      1. Layout and Story Windows
      2. Managing Multiple Windows
      3. InDesign’s Panels
      4. Using the Tools Panel
      5. Other Panels
      6. Context Menus
      7. Keyboard Shortcuts
      8. Customizing Menus
      9. Customizing the Control Panel
      10. Saving and Loading Workspaces
      11. Setting Preferences
      12. Setting Defaults
      13. Publication Navigation
      14. Creative Cloud and InDesign
      15. Adobe Exchange Panel and Extension Manager
      16. Place Icons
      17. On with the Tour
    7. Chapter 2. Page Layout
      1. Creating a New Publication
      2. Opening Publications
      3. Saving Publications
      4. Crash Recovery
      5. Setting Basic Layout Options
      6. Pages and Spreads
      7. Adding Pages
      8. Arranging Pages
      9. Creating pages of different sizes
      10. Rotating Spreads
      11. Defining Sections
      12. Numbering Pages
      13. Adding Section Marker Text
      14. Working with Master Pages
      15. Applying Master Pages and Master Spreads
      16. Overriding Master Items
      17. Adjusting Layouts
      18. Liquid Page Rules
      19. Alternate Layouts
      20. Selecting and Deselecting
      21. Guides
      22. Grids
      23. Stacking Objects
      24. Layers
      25. Grouping Objects
      26. Locking Object Positions
      27. Deleting Objects
      28. Finding and Changing Objects
      29. A Good Foundation
    8. Chapter 3. Text
      1. Creating Text Frames
      2. Setting Text Frame Options
      3. Spanning and Splitting Columns
      4. Linking and Unlinking Text Frames
      5. Flowing Text
      6. Entering Text
      7. Text Variables
      8. Cross References
      9. Importing Text
      10. Text Files and File Linking
      11. Exporting Text
      12. Editing Text
      13. Story Editor
      14. Track Changes
      15. Notes
      16. Using Adobe InCopy
      17. Checking Spelling
      18. Footnotes
      19. Conditional Text
      20. Find and Change
      21. Working with InDesign Tagged Text
      22. After Words
    9. Chapter 4. Type
      1. Selecting and Formatting Text
      2. Character Formatting
      3. OpenType Fonts
      4. Find Font
      5. Filling and Stroking Characters
      6. Paragraph Formatting
      7. Bullets and Numbering
      8. Styles
      9. Copying Styles from Other Publications
      10. Optical Margin Alignment
      11. An Old Typesetter Never...
    10. Chapter 5. Drawing
      1. Drawing Basic Shapes
      2. Points and Paths
      3. Drawing Paths with the Pencil Tool
      4. Drawing Paths with the Pen Tool
      5. Drawing Techniques
      6. Compound Paths
      7. Smoothing Paths
      8. Erasing Paths
      9. Path Operations
      10. Corner Options
      11. Strokes
      12. Stroke Styles
      13. Fills
      14. Gradients
      15. Transparency
      16. Transparency Effects
      17. Drawing Conclusions
    11. Chapter 6. Where Text Meets Graphics
      1. Paragraph Rules
      2. Tables
      3. Creating a Table
      4. Editing Tables
      5. Table Shortcuts
      6. Formatting Tables
      7. Table and Cell Styles
      8. Text Wrap
      9. Converting Text to Outlines
      10. Inline Frames and Anchored Objects
      11. Object Styles
      12. Placing Text on a Path
      13. Quick Apply
      14. Figure Captions
      15. Alternate Reality
    12. Chapter 7. Importing and Exporting
      1. Importing
      2. Placing Anything
      3. About Graphic File Formats
      4. Image Resolution and Scaling
      5. Graphic Display Properties
      6. Image Import Options
      7. Linking and Embedding
      8. Copying and Linking Objects
      9. Working with Graphic Frames
      10. File Info and Metadata
      11. Object Layer Options
      12. Working with Clipping Paths
      13. Applying Color to an Imported Graphic
      14. Exporting Documents
      15. Exporting JPEG or PNG
      16. Exporting EPS
      17. Exporting PDF for Printing
      18. InDesign Markup Language (IDML)
      19. Snippets
      20. QR Codes
      21. Data Merge
      22. XML
      23. The Best of All Possible Worlds
    13. Chapter 8. Long Documents
      1. Books
      2. Table of Contents
      3. Indexes (Or Indices)
      4. Putting It Together
    14. Chapter 9. Transforming
      1. Transformation Basics
      2. Numbers Are Your Friends
      3. Moving Objects
      4. Scaling
      5. Rotating Objects
      6. Reflecting Objects
      7. Shearing Objects
      8. Repeating Transformations
      9. Grid Mode
      10. Aligning and Distributing Objects
      11. Locking Objects
      12. Hiding Objects
      13. Transform Your Life!
    15. Chapter 10. Color
      1. Seeing Color, Printing Color
      2. Color in InDesign
      3. InDesign’s Color Controls
      4. The Color Panel and the Color Picker
      5. Applying Colors and Gradients
      6. Kuler
      7. Ink Manager
      8. Trapping
      9. Color Management
      10. InDesign’s Color Management Controls
      11. The Color “Done”
    16. Chapter 11. Printing
      1. The InDesign Print Dialog Box
      2. General
      3. Setup
      4. Marks and Bleeds
      5. Output
      6. Graphics
      7. Color Management
      8. Advanced
      9. Summary
      10. Print Presets
      11. Custom Printer Marks
      12. Printing Booklets
      13. Separations Preview
      14. Printing Transparency
      15. Preparing an InDesign File for Imagesetting
      16. Preflight and Package
      17. All the News That Prints to Fit
    17. Chapter 12. Scripting
      1. Be Not Afraid
      2. System Requirements
      3. Learning About InDesign Scripting
      4. Thinking About Scripting
      5. Using the Scripts Panel and the Script Label Panel
      6. Getting Started
      7. More Fun with Scripting
      8. End Script
    18. Chapter 13. Digital Publishing
      1. Interactive Only After Export
      2. Hyperlinks
      4. Buttons and Forms
      5. Multi-State Objects
      6. Audio and Video
      7. Animation
      8. Page Transitions
      9. Previewing Interactive Documents
      10. Presentation Mode
      11. Interactive PDF Export
      12. SWF Export
      13. FLA Export
      14. EPUB Export
      15. Exporting HTML
      16. Digital Publishing Suite
      17. Web Publishing
    19. Index
    20. Bonus Chapter 14. XML
      1. When XML Isn’t XML
      2. XML Vocabulary
      3. Where Should You Work with XML?
      4. About XML Workflow
      5. Inside the Structure View
      6. XML Tags and the Tags Panel
      7. Tagging Objects
      8. Importing and Exporting XML
      9. Creating Placeholders for Repeating Content
      10. Working with DTDs
      11. Transforming XML with XSLT
      12. InDesign Interchange Formats INX and IDML
      13. About XML Rules
      14. Stay Tuned
    21. Bonus Appendix 15+ More Scripting
      1. Additional Scripting Examples
      2. Using the ExtendScript Toolkit
      3. Even More Fun with Scripting
      4. Mystic Rose
      5. Monitoring Events
      6. Menu Scripting
      7. Startup Scripts
      8. End Script

    Product information

    • Title: Real World Adobe InDesign CC
    • Author(s): Olav Martin Kvern, David Blatner, Bob Bringhurst
    • Release date: July 2013
    • Publisher(s): Peachpit Press
    • ISBN: 9780133476811