
In an instrumentation system, the interfaces are where the software meets the real world. An interface might be as simple as an input to sense the open or closed state of a switch, the voltage from a temperature sensor, or pulses from a magnetic sensor on a rotating shaft. An interface can also be a data communications channel for interfacing with a self-contained instrument or controller of some type. It could even be another computer system, as in the case of an Ethernet interface.

Duty cycles

Figure 2-25. Duty cycles

Discrete Digital I/O

A discrete digital interface gets it name from how the input and output bits, also called lines or pins, are organized, read, and controlled. Discrete digital I/O can be used whenever there is a need for sensing discrete input states or controlling something with discrete operational states. “Discrete” in this case means that each input or output line has a finite number of unique discontinuous states. With a discrete digital interface, this equates to two states: on or off, 1 or 0. Discrete I/O lines may be handled in software as either singular bit values or members of a set of bits. In some cases, a particular line may be configured as either an input or an output. In other cases, an interface may provide a set of lines dedicated to output, and another set for input. As for terminology, it is common to hear “discrete I/O” or “discrete line.” The ...

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