Creating Simple Types Using Facets
Using facets lets you restrict the data a simple type can hold. For example, say that you want to create a simple type named dayOfMonth that can hold only values between 1 and 31, inclusive. In that case, you can define it this way, using the two facets minInclusive and maxInclusive:
<xsd:simpleType name="dayOfMonth"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:integer"> <xsd:minInclusive value="1"/> <xsd:maxInclusive value="31"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType>
Now that you've created this new simple type, you can declare elements and attributes of this type.
In ch05_07.xsd, the catalogID simple type is even more powerful than this dayOfMonth simple type. The catalogID simple type uses the pattern facet to specify a ...
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