CHAPTER 20Finding Peace Through Love

The first known use of the word love only goes back about 800 years ago. However, virtually all cultures dating back to the ancient Greeks spoke of what we know today to be love. The Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and Persians cultures all have a version of love woven into their etymology. Love is also integral to every major religion. It seems that the concept of love has been with us as long as civilization (and likely even longer).

Why has love been so central to the rise of human beings? Perhaps it is because it represents the central force of goodness, positivity, and belonging. Love brings us, pulls us, together. It gives us support and strength to carry forward in times of difficulty. It rallies us to fight for a higher calling and makes us long for things that matter.

Love also seems to play a major role in the long‐standing lore and stories handed down through the centuries. The central protagonists always seem to root back to good versus evil, love versus hate. Perhaps these two aspects resonate with us because we each feel the opposing forces of light and dark inside of us.

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