2Universal Absolute Mean Graceful Graphs

Hiren P. Chudasama

Government Polytechnic,Rajkot, Gujarat (INDIA)E-mail: hirensrchudasama@gmail.com

Divya K. Jadeja

V. V. P. Engineering college,Rajkot, Gujarat (INDIA)E-mail: divyajadeja89@gmail.com

The present chapter is an advancement of research in absolute mean graceful labeling. We introduce the new concept of extreme points in an absolute m graceful graph. We prove that any absolute mean graceful graph has at least two extreme points. We also prove every path Pn, cycle graph, complete bipartite graph Km,n, star graph K1,n and coconut tree C Tm,n are universal absolute mean graceful graphs. We also discuss an illustration T shaped graph S(2, 0, 1) that is a universal absolute mean graceful graph ...

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