
Absorbers, 105

active, 336

behind consoles, 487

effect of angle of incidence, 138

fibrous, 90, 95

Helmholtz, 93–4

in floor, 297

membrane, 91, 96

panel, 93–4, 114

porous, 86, 95

quarter wavelength, 17

rear wall, 541

resonant, 93, 95

room absorption, definition of, 151

Absorption, 86

coefficients, 97, 271, 293

effects of thickness and density, 87

frequency dependence, 66

interrelation with reflexion and transmission, 49

loss in dry air, 86

wavelength dependence, 32, 91–2

Acoustavoicing, 535

Acoustic centre, 422

Acoustic disturbance by mixing consoles, 5

Acoustic source, 422, 433, 490

Acoustic waves, velocity and pressure components, 32

Acoustical Manufacturing Company, 361

Acoustics, non-intuitive nature of, 6

Activated carbon, 90

Active ...

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