Chapter 7
Watch Out, I’m Backing Up
In This Chapter
Identifying backup types
Understanding backup tape risks
Applying records management principles to backed-up data
Most of us have experienced the frustration and panic of working on a spreadsheet or document when suddenly the computer freezes and the “blue screen of death” appears — you are immediately brought face to face with the realization that you are the victim of a crash. Or perhaps you’ve experienced disaster on an even larger scale, where you have been part of a department that was unable to log in to a critical business software application because the server crashed. It’s times like these when backups can make the difference between recovering information in a short period of time and being able to resume normal business operations, or saying farewell to the information forever.
In this chapter, you look closer into what backups actually are, as well as analyze the different types of backups and their purpose. In addition, you find out how to best manage backups in an effort to ensure that they complement your records and information management program instead of becoming its nemesis.
Creating a Backup Plan
Every business, ...
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