Scheduling Jobs

Using the at command, you can schedule commands for execution at a specified time. If you need to schedule repeated execution of a command, you can add the command to the cron file for a user.

To send an email with at:

At the command prompt, type at followed by a time expression (see sidebar). For example, type
at teatime + 5 minutes
Yes, Virginia, teatime is a valid time expression for use with at (it means 4:00 P.M.), so teatime + 5 minutes means 4:05 P.M.
Press Enter. On the new line, the shell prompt will be replaced with an at prompt, at> (Figure 12.1). Each valid command you type at the at> prompt will be executed at the specified time.
Give your email a subject and addressee: for example,
 at> mail –s "Lemon ...

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