Red Hat OpenShift Fundamentals, 3/e

Video description

3+ Hours of Video Instruction

In more than 3 hours of video instruction, Red Hat OpenShift Fundamentals LiveLessons viewers will learn how to administer Red Hat OpenShift to manage containers in an enterprise environment and to integrate them in a DevOps environment.


In more than 3 hours of video instruction, Red Hat OpenShift Fundamentals LiveLessons viewers will learn how to administer Red Hat OpenShift to manage containers in an enterprise environment and to integrate them in a DevOps environment.

Red Hat OpenShift Fundamentals LiveLessons provides an introduction to working with containers in an OpenShift environment, and covers all core aspects of working with containers in OpenShift. OpenShift is an increasingly popular platform that helps you more easily deploy applications in an enterprise environment. The platform helps developers to seamlessly roll out an application in the form of a completely operational container. At the same time, it allows administrators to manage the application life cycle in a flexible way, where applications can be monitored for availability, and easily scaled up and down if the workload requires it.

Learn how to get started with OpenShift in six lessons. In the first lesson, you'll learn how OpenShift can help you. An explanation of what OpenShift is, and how it relates to the Kubernetes platform is provided. The second lesson discusses how to get started with OpenShift, and different installation scenarios are demonstrated. Lesson 3 shows how to deploy applications in OpenShift, and Lesson 4 will explain software-defined networking, as implemented in OpenShift. Lesson 5 discusses more advanced features, such as pod scaling and node placement; and Lesson 6 shows how to connect containers in OpenShift to storage. With a combination of white-board instruction, demonstrations, and CLI learning, Sander van Vugt demystifies OpenShift.

Skill Level

  • Beginner/Intermediate

Learn How To

  • Understand when and how to use OpenShift depending on your environment
  • Install the various versions of OpenShift
  • Create applications from the web console
  • Creating resources using the oc command line utility
  • Use source-to-image to automatically build containers from the source code
  • Use software-defined networking and using SDN in OpenShift
  • Work with applications, including scaling
  • Handle pod scheduling
  • Manage images, image streams, and OpenShift templates
  • Set up OpenShift storage

Who Should Take This Course

IT professionals that want to manage container deployment in their containerized DevOps environment using OpenShift. Target audience roles:

  • IT Administrators
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Software Developers
  • IT Architects
  • Hybrid Cloud Administrators

Course Requirements

4 GiB of RAM, 20 GiB of available disk space and a virtualization program like Oracle VirtualBox or VMware Workstation

Lesson Descriptions

Lesson 1, “Understanding OpenShift,” explains what OpenShift is. A generic introduction in working with containers is provided before an explanation of how OpenShift makes sense in a containerized environment is discussed; OpenShift is a useful addition in a DevOps environment. An example of a typical OpenShift architecture is provided, as well as a comparison to Kubernetes so you know which features are similar, and which are different. Lastly, the role of OpenShift in a hybrid cloud environment is explained.

In Lesson 2, “Installing OpenShift,” an overview of all the different OpenShift versions will be discussed as well as the installation of them. Next, getting started with MiniShift, and how to bring up an OpenShift cluster using the oc client will be shown. After learning about these easy-to-setup solutions, starting to explore what is needed for setting up a real OpenShift cluster is next on the menu. The lesson ends with a discussion of host requirements, as well as a demonstration of an installation of a 3-node OpenShift cluster.

Lesson 3, “Getting Started with OpenShift,” goes beyond set up and gets into what you can do with OpenShift, starting with how to create an application from the web console, which should provide a decent example of all that is involved in the application build process. In that build process, different resource types are involved, which will be discussed next. After the foundation of managing resources from the browser interface is covered, creating resources using the oc command line utility will be explained. Next up: source-to-image, the procedure that developers will apply to automate building software applications with OpenShift is discussed. The last video in this lesson provides a short introduction to troubleshooting.

Lesson 4, “Managing OpenShift Networking,” explains how to have the containers in OpenShift communicate with one another, and to expose their functionality to the outside world, there needs to be software defined networking. This lesson starts by explaining what exactly software-defined networking is in general, and after that, SDN in OpenShift. Services and routes will also be covered.

Lesson 5, “Deploying Applications,” covers how to work with applications. This lesson consists of how to scale applications and exploring pod scheduling. After that, looking at images and image stream‚Äìand how these can be managed‚Äìis explained. The last video teaches about OpenShift templates.

In Lesson 6, “Managing OpenShift Storage,” how to provide storage to the workloads that are running in your containers is covered. Starting with an overview of OpenShift storage solutions and working up to how to set up OpenShift Storage; the last video will work through a scenario where NFS persistent storage is used in an OpenShift environment.

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O’Reilly Media, Pearson IT Certification, and Sander Van Vugt have no affiliation with Red Hat, Inc. The RED HAT and RHCSA trademarks are used for identification purposes only and are not intended to indicate affiliation with or approval by Red Hat, Inc.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Red Hat OpenShift Fundamentals: Introduction
  2. Module 1: Introducing OpenShift
    1. Module introduction
  3. Lesson 1: Understanding OpenShift
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 1.1 Understanding Containers and OpenShift
    3. 1.2 Understanding the Red Hat Container Management Solutions
    4. 1.3 Understanding OpenShift in a Container Environment
    5. 1.4 Understanding OpenShift in a DevOps Environment
    6. 1.5 Understanding OpenShift Architecture
    7. 1.6 OpenShift versus Kubernetes
    8. 1.7 Understanding the Role of OpenShift in a Hybrid Cloud Environment
  4. Lesson 2: Installing OpenShift
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 2.1 Understanding OpenShift Versions
    3. 2.2 Installing Minishift
    4. 2.3 Using oc cluster up
    5. 2.4 Planning for an OpenShift Cluster
    6. 2.5 Installing an OpenShift Cluster: Host Prep
    7. 2.6 Installing an OpenShift Cluster: Installation
  5. Lesson 3: Getting Started with OpenShift
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 3.1 Getting Started with the Web Console
    3. 3.2 Understanding Resource Types: Pods and Namespaces
    4. 3.3 Understanding Resource Types: Deployment Configs and Networking
    5. 3.4 Managing Resources from the Command Line
    6. 3.5 Using Source-to-Image to Create Applications
    7. 3.6 Basic OpenShift Troubleshooting
  6. Module 2: Managing and Deploying OpenShift
    1. Module introduction
  7. Lesson 4: Managing OpenShift Networking
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 4.1 Understanding Software Defined Networking
    3. 4.2 Understanding OpenShift SDN
    4. 4.3 Understanding Services
    5. 4.4 Understanding Routes
    6. 4.5 Creating Routes
  8. Lesson 5: Deploying Applications
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 5.1 Scaling Applications
    3. 5.2 Scheduling Pods
    4. 5.3 Managing Images and Image Streams
    5. 5.4 Managing Templates
  9. Lesson 6: Managing OpenShift Storage
    1. Learning objectives
    2. 6.1 Understanding OpenShift Storage
    3. 6.2 Configuring OpenShift Storage Access
    4. 6.3 Setting up NFS Persistent Storage Part 1
    5. 6.4 Setting up NFS Persistent Storage Part 2
    6. 6.5 Working with ConfigMaps
  10. Summary
    1. Red Hat OpenShift Fundamentals: Summary

Product information

  • Title: Red Hat OpenShift Fundamentals, 3/e
  • Author(s): Sander van Vugt
  • Release date: April 2019
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 0135767431