3Es | effective, efficient, and equitable |
AA | analytical assessment |
AB 32 | California’s Global Warming Solutions Act, 2006 |
ACC | anthropogenic climate change |
AD | avoided deforestation |
ADP | Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action |
AFOLU | agriculture, forestry, and other land uses |
AGW | anthropogenic global warming |
AI | appreciative inquiry |
AIDESEP | Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (Interethnic Peruvian Jungle Development Association) |
AWG-LCA | Ad Hoc Working Group – Long-term Cooperative Action |
BAP | Bali Action Plan |
BAU | business as usual |
BCI | Bonobo Conservation International |
BDS | benefit distribution systems |
BINGO | big international non-governmental organization |
BRIC | Brazil, Russia, India, and China |
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