How to do it...

The steps for optimizing replication are as follows:

  1. Open a console and switch the current user to root. Then set some variables in the console for the basic information of a master and slave:
$ M_IP= 
$ M_PORT=6379 
$ M_RDB_NAME=master.rdb 
$ M_OUT=master.out 
$ S1_IP= 
$ S1_PORT=6380 
$ S1_OUT=slave_1.out 
$ S1_RDB_NAME=slave_1.rdb 
  1. Start the two Redis instances:
$ nohup /redis/bin/redis-server --port $M_PORT --bind $M_IP --dbfilename $M_RDB_NAME > $M_OUT & 
$ nohup /redis/bin/redis-server --port $S1_PORT --bind $S1_IP --dbfilename $S1_RDB_NAME  > $S1_OUT& 
  1. Sleep for a while to wait for the Redis instances to finish their startup. After the sleep, we set some sample data to one of the Redis instances:
$ sleep ...

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