Chapter 10. Case Study: Redundant Database Schemas

For the first of our two case study chapters, we explore a refactor I carried out with a few other members of my team during my first year at Slack. The project centered on consolidating two redundant database schemas. Both schemas were tightly coupled to our increasingly unwieldy codebase, and we had very few unit tests to rely on. In short, this project is a great example of a realistic, large-scale refactor at a relatively young, high-growth company with a modest number of engineers and an increasingly unwieldy codebase.

This project was successful primarily because we remained hyperfocused on our ultimate goal of consolidating the redundant database tables. We drafted a simple but effective execution plan (Chapter 4), thoughtfully weighing risk and speed of execution to deliver on our solution promptly. We opted for a lightweight approach to gathering metrics (Chapter 3), choosing a narrow focus on just a few key data points. We proactively communicated our changes widely, across the entirety of the engineering team, whenever we completed a new milestone (Chapter 7). We built tooling to ensure that our changes would persist (Chapter 9). Finally, we successfully demonstrated the value of the refactor by seamlessly shipping a new feature built atop the newly consolidated schema just weeks after its completion. This enabled us to get further buy-in to kick off further refactors (Chapter 5).

Although the refactor yielded the performance ...

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