Safety levels, exposure to EM fields, 49-28–30
Sag calculations, transmission-line, 49-18–20
SAG, definition of, 20-9
Samarium, 4-6-7, 4-10–11
SAMPLE, definition of, 20-9
Sampled-data filter systems, 10-36–38
digital television system, 35-36–38
pulse frequency, digital television system, 35-37
pulse modulation
of bandpass function, 23-11
in frequency domain, 23-11
in time domain, 23-11
theorem, 25-17
choice of frequency, 27-13
DAMA systems, 27-24
digital transmission systems, 27-21–24
downlink, 27-3
effect of solar eclipse on, 27-9–11
evolution, 27-4–6
ionospheric scintillations, 27-33–35
propagation, 27-32–40
rain attenuation, 27-36–37
transmission system considerations, ...

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