T-π transformation, network, 6-15–16
Table of combinations, logic circuit, 43-4
Tablespoon, 3-17
TACAN, 37-5
Tactical air navigation, 37-5
Talker echo, definition of, 38-10
hyperbolic, table of, 48-4
law of, 47-11
Tanks, military, vibration in, 49-25
Tantalum, 4-6-7, 4-10–11
electrolytic capacitors, 5-21
Tape formats, video, 35-29–30
Target cross section
radar, 36-7, 36-10
examples, 36-7
Taylor illumination, radar antennas, 36-11
Taylor image circular source distribution, antennas, 32-53–54
Taylor image line source distribution, ...

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