15 Backward Approximate Dynamic Programming

Chapter 14 presented the most classical solution methods from discrete Markov decision processes, which are often referred to as “backward dynamic programming” since it is necessary to step backward in time, using the value Vt+1(St+1) to compute Vt(St). While we can occasionally apply this strategy to problems with continuous states and decisions (as we did in section 14.4), most often this is used for problems with discrete states and decisions, and where the one-step transition matrix P(St+1=s|St=s,a) is known (that is, computable).

The field of discrete Markov decision processes has enjoyed a rich theoretical history, largely because of the elegance of discrete states and actions, and the assumption that we can compute expectations over Wt+1. This theory seems to have been self-perpetuating, since it is not supported by a class of well-motivated applications. However, as we see in this and later chapters, it has provided the foundation for powerful and practical approximation strategies.

The basic backward dynamic programming strategy used for discrete dynamic programming suffers from what we have identified as the three curses of dimensionality:

  1. State variables – As the state variable grows past three or four dimensions, the number of states tends to become too large to enumerate. In particular, there are many applications where some (or all) of the dimensions of the state variable are continuous.
  2. Decision variables – Enumerating ...

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