Chapter 2. Markov Decision Processes, Dynamic Programming, and Monte Carlo Methods

The foundation of reinforcement learning (RL) is based upon three topics. The most important is the Markov decision process (MDP), a framework that helps you describe your problem. Dynamic programming (DP) and Monte Carlo methods lie at the heart of all algorithms that intend to solve MDPs. But first, let me discuss an application that you have probably heard of, but didn’t consider to be RL.

Multi-Arm Bandit Testing

Imagine you work for an online ecommerce company. Given your role in engineering, you will be expected to develop new features and maintain existing ones. For example, you might be asked to improve the checkout process or migrate to a new library.

But how can you be certain that your changes have the desired effect? Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) is one possible solution. For new features you want to positively impact the KPIs. For maintenance tasks you want no impact.

As an example, take the classic scenario of establishing the best color for a button. Which is better, red or green? How do you quantify the difference? To approach this using RL you must define the three core elements of the problem: the reward, the actions, and the environment.


In-depth practical advice on the development of RL solutions is provided in Chapter 9.

Reward Engineering

To quantify performance, the result of an action must be measurable. In RL, this is the purpose of the reward. It provides ...

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