Chapter 6. Beyond Policy Gradients

Policy gradient (PG) algorithms are widely used in reinforcement learning (RL) problems with continuous action spaces. Chapter 5 presented the basic idea: represent the policy by a parametric probability distribution π θ [ a s ; θ ] , then adjust the policy parameters, θ , in the direction of greater cumulative reward. They are popular because an alternative, like the greedy maximization of the action-value function performed in Q-learning, becomes problematic if actions are continuous because this would involve a global maximization over an infinite number of actions. Nudging the policy parameters in the direction of higher expected return can be simpler and computationally attractive.

Until recently, practical online PG algorithms with convergence guarantees have been restricted to the on-policy setting, in which the agent learns from the policy it is executing, the behavior policy. In an off-policy setting, an agent learns policies different to the behavior policy. This idea presents new research opportunities and applications; for example, learning from an offline log, learning an optimal policy while executing an exploratory policy, learning from demonstration, and learning multiple tasks in parallel from a single environment.

This chapter investigates state-of-the-art off-policy PG algorithms, starting with an in-depth look at some of problems that arise when trying to learn off-policy.

Off-Policy Algorithms

The PG algorithms ...

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