Author Index
Abdushukurov, A. A., 254
Agarwal, M., 555
Ahmad, M. I., 420
Aitchison, J., 111
Albin, J. L., 302
Al-Sheikly, M., 175
Anderson, E. E., 657
Anderson, V. L., 90, 324, 326, 331, 334, 344, 355
Ang, A. H., 507
Armstrong, G., 429
Ascher, H. E., 586
Asgharizadeh, E., 617
Atwood, C. L., 238
Balakrishnan, N, 251
Banarjee, A. K., 259
Barlow, R. E 19, 187, 192, 198, 213, 214, 239, 555
Bamdorff-Nielsen, O. 183
Bâsu, M., 534
Bates, D. M., 360
Bayes, T., 255
Bayley, K. M., 446
Bayraktar, B. A., 3
Belayaev, Y. K., 538, 546, 555
Bellman, R. E 767
Benson, P. G., 83
Berger, P. D., 657
Bergman, B., 657
Bhattacharyya, G. K., 183, 259
Bilikam, J. E., 198
Birnbaum, Z. W., 183, 228, 229
Birolini, A.
Blache, K. M., 15
Black, S. E., 553
Blanchard, B. S., 442, 584, 586
Bland, J A. 656
Blanks, H. S., 507
Blischke, W. R., 36, 191, 198, 282, 439, 513, 514, 517, 555, 569, 592, 598, 599, 603, 604, 606, 607, 617, 642, 672, 676
Bollyanski, V. G., 769
Bonis, A. J., 551
Bowles, J. B., 523
Brall, A., 452
Breneman, J. E., 51 ...
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