5.6. Conversations, Collaborations and Services
A conversation involves exactly two agents. A collaboration arises from multiple conversations and therefore may involve two or more agents. Like a conversation a collaboration has a stereotypical script and a goal. The goal is the intersection of all the conversations' post-conditions, i.e. they are combined with the AND operation. The situation with pre-conditions is slightly more complicated. The pre-conditions of each conversation must all be satisfied but one conversation within a collaboration may be the enabler of another. This is because, in the real world, collaborations take time; they are not instantaneous.
In the original version of Catalysis, collaborations were called actions. They were modelled as being instantaneous and simply had a pre- and post-condition.
Let us consider a simple example, returning again to our order processing process. Figure 5-9 illustrates the two conversations that take place when a customer rings in with an order. Note that there is a 'parallels' association between them. Here are the two scripts.
The customer asks the clerk for a quotation (in general this can be for purchase or sale, but think of a purchase request for now).
Figure 5.9. The order processing conversations.
The clerk gives price and availability.
The customer decides whether to accept the quote and places the order. ...
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