29Traffic Management System Using AIoT


Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India

Email: pallaveech@gmail.com, rsingh7@amity.edu


Intelligent traffic systems are already being implemented in major cities worldwide. These solutions are adaptive, and because they are powered by AI, they get smarter and more successful over time as they gain a better understanding of the city’s patterns. This is one of the most significant promises of AI-powered solutions that we’re seeing play out again. Consider the development of an artificially intelligent neural network. When developing a brain simulation, you must establish the initial connections that will initiate internal discussions. Following that, additional connections are formed by conducting tests on the simulated training model. As the network grows in size, it operates autonomously in a variety of scenarios, learning and adapting through the establishment of new connections. It is self-adaptive and self-contained, requiring no physical installation of new neural network connections. Similarly, AIoT traffic management solutions operate in a similar manner. The more time the sensors spend monitoring road conditions, weather patterns, and vehicle and driver behavior, the more links the IoT sensor cloud network will automatically build. This is more usually referred to as the reward and penalty system, but with an AIoT twist.

Intelligent traffic management systems will adapt and eventually offer ...

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