Chapter 15

Becoming a Resilient Leader


check Recognizing what constitutes a resilient leader

check Understanding your influence as a leader

check Learning to embrace uncertainty

check Becoming a trusted leader

check Identifying ways to take care of yourself to be an effective leader

Leaders are responsible for crafting change and growth for their communities, making responsible decisions, and guiding people through uncertainty. At some point, leaders have to face challenges and setbacks, and the resilient ones not only successfully adapt and bounce back stronger but also help their teams do the same. Capable, confident, optimistic, and open, resilient leaders embrace change and navigate their communities through the complexities of life’s twists and turns.

This chapter focuses on the makings of a resilient leader so that you can be inspired to evaluate and build your own resilient leadership skills.

The Making of a Resilient Leader

Resilience is a quality that today’s leaders can’t afford not to ...

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