Chapter 21
Ten Tips for Using Nature to Become Resilient
Understanding the concept of biophilia
Learning ways to use nature to thrive
Discovering ways to enjoy nature inside and outside
Science shows that exposure to nature improves attention, energy, memory, mood, and cognition. Your ancestors didn’t need science to know this to be true. Their lives were intricately intertwined with nature, and they not only had to figure out ways to survive in harsh conditions but also look to nature for wisdom and healing. In this chapter, I offer you ways to reconnect with nature that will help boost your resilience.
Using Green for Therapy
Personally, spending too much time in front of the screen leaves me with brain fog and fatigue. Conversely, being out in nature leaves me feeling alert and invigorated, so my focus is improved, as are my abilities to concentrate, and for good reason: According to new research, spending time outdoors in nature improves your mood, vitality, and even immunity. Scientists have found that nature can help wounds heal, hospital stays to lessen, pain to decrease, and anxiety to abate. Studies all over the world are also showing that the closer you ...
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