Chapter 8. nCoDE
If you compare the number of code listings with the number of screenshots in this book, you might conclude that NetKernel is not a GUI-based development tool. I agree.
The NetKernel Compositional Development Environment is the exception to the rule. It provides you with a visual editor to compose endpoints. In that it has the same function as DPML and indeed, behind the gui layer nCoDE translates to DPML. So, you could call it a visual DPML.
I was very skeptical about it. I’ve seen my share of GUI tools that are supposed to aid and mostly only succeed in getting in the way. I have another opinion about nCoDE, but I’m not going to force that on you. I’ll let you form your own opinion.
You should have completed Part I. Chapters in this part do not follow a specific order and do not build upon each other, but the basics should be known by now.
nCoDE endpoints can be added into any module, but in order to have a clean slate, we’ll make a new one.
Example 8-1. module.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <module version="2.0"> <meta> <identity> <uri>urn:org:netkernelbook:chapter8:ncode</uri> <version>1.0.0</version> </identity> <info> <name>Chapter 8 nCoDE</name> <description>NetKernelbook Chapter 8 nCoDE</description> </info> </meta> <system> <dynamic/> </system> <rootspace name="Chapter 8 nCoDE" public="true" uri="urn:org:netkernelbook:chapter8:ncode"> <fileset> <regex>res:/etc/system/SimpleDynamicImportHook.xml</regex> </fileset> <endpoint> ...
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