Arranging Source and Header Files (the C Way)

Proper code reuse can be challenging because it requires a specific mind-set. A common mistake that even professional programmers make is putting all their code in the same file like this:

1: #include <stdio.h> // For input/output
#include <stdlib.h> // For EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE
#include <stdbool.h> // For bool, false, and true
5: typedef​ ​struct​ JSON_Object {
// Lots of lines of code here
// ...
} JSON_Object;
10: // Lots of helper functions, data types, and global variables
int​ json_errno = 0;
bool ​read_boolean​(​FILE​* infile) { ​/* ... */​; ​return​ false; }
char​ *​read_string​(​FILE​* infile) { ​/* ... */​; ​return​ NULL; }
void ...

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