Chapter 4
Familiar Search Tools That Haven’t Gone Away
In This Chapter
Revisiting plain text and doing it better
Using referral technology to meet your future boss
Understanding online screening techniques that judge you
Blogging your way to a job
Foiling identity theft and coping with spam filters
While not all Web technology tools have held up under the rigors of time and progress, some are still favored job finders in the 21st century. Job boards and company Web sites, for instance, retain star status in determining where to send your resumes. The handsome full-design resume is another tool that remains on job seekers’ hit parade. (Chapter 11 gives you the scoop on resume design.)
The opposite of full design, the plain-text resume — once headed for oblivion because it’s a drab pain to read — is coming back largely because many job boards accept only plain text. Why? Because plain text (unlike a word-processed document) can’t harbor a harmful virus, as well as other technical reasons ...