Chapter 15
RF Balun
15.1 Introduction
A balun is a transformation block between a single-ended stage and a differential pair.
A balun transforming a signal from a single-ended stage to a differential pair splits a single-ended signal into a pair of differential signals with the same magnitude but 180° phase difference. It is called splitter as shown in Figure 15.1(a). A differential pair plays some special functions in the transport or manipulation of a signal. For instance, the capability of common mode rejection potentially exists in a differential pair but not in a single-ended stage.
A balun transforming a signal from a differential pair to a single-ended stage combines a pair of differential signals with the same magnitude but 180° phase difference as a single-ended signal. It is called combiner as shown in Figure 15.1(b). The conversion from a differential pair to a single-ended stage simplifies both simulation and testing of a block.
The word “balun” is a portmanteau formed from the words “balanced” and “unbalanced,” in which balanced implies a differential configuration and unbalanced represents a single-ended configuration. It would seem reasonable to rename the balun in Figure 15.1 ...
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