1.22 Analog Modulation

A message signal c01-math-0593 is usually an LP signal. A signal whose spectrum is in the vicinity c01-math-0594 is usually called a baseband signal. A baseband signal is usually voice, video, or digital data signal. Modulation converts a message signal c01-math-0595 from an LP spectrum to a high-pass (HP) spectrum (usually to a BP spectrum) around a carrier frequency c01-math-0596. In general, a modulated signal can be described as

1.154 equation

where the amplitude c01-math-0598, the frequency c01-math-0599, and the phase c01-math-0600 are modulated. Using the relationship c01-math-0601, any narrow band signal can be presented as simultaneous AM and PM waveform



1.156 ...

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