2.6 Energy Parameters of Class A RF Power Amplifier

2.6.1 Drain Efficiency of Class A RF Power Amplifier

The operating point (the bias point) c02-math-0438 of the Class A RF power amplifier should be selected at the midpoint of the linear region of the transistor, where

2.98 equation


2.99 equation

The dc supply current of the Class A RF power amplifier is

2.100 equation

The dc resistance seen by the power supply c02-math-0442 is

2.101 equation

The dc supply power (or the dc input power) in the Class A RF power amplifier is given by

2.102 equation

The dc supply power is constant and independent of the amplitude of the output voltage c02-math-0445. The power delivered by the MOSFET to the output RF load at is given by


For , the drain power reaches its maximum ...

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