Chapter 17
What to Look for When Considering Outsourcing
In This Chapter
Letting someone else touch your RFID
Finding the right firm for the job
Investigating the dangers of outsourcing
Ensuring quality and service from an outsourcer
O ne of the scary things about RFID and the electronic product code (EPC) is that 60,000 enterprises have to adopt the technology over a three-year period. Those companies have no choice if they want to supply to Wal-Mart, the Department of Defense (DoD), Target, Best Buy, and others. Many more companies have read promising case studies about the technology and want to adopt RFID for some benefit to their bottom line. With all these enterprises adopting RFID at essentially the same time, there are not enough RFID experts in the world today to service even one percent of these firms full-time.
Currently, the RFID industry is so new that only a few providers are able to offer an outsource model. But in the coming years, the industry will evolve with various delivery models, traditional outsourcing firms will get into the RFID space, and specialty providers ...
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