Chapter 19

Ten Web Sites for Information on RFID

In This Chapter

bullet Finding information — free and otherwise — about RFID online

bullet Consulting the consultants online

bullet Finding a vendor that’s right for you

bullet Getting the techno-babble straight from the techno-nerds

N avigating the choppy waters of the RFID Sea is bound to get you listing in your cubicle, so here are ten (or so) Web sites that will be your ballast. Keep in mind that this industry is changing quickly, new companies are being formed, older companies are being acquired, new products are being developed, protocols are evolving — well, you get the picture. The Internet can be as much a source of confusion as a source of information, but the following sites are bound to help keep you informed and up-to-date.


If you are considering using a consultant or outsourced firm, these sites are also a great way to keep them honest and assess their levels of knowledge. A little research will help you develop questions to ask a potential ...

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