Chapter VII. Photomatix Meets Topaz Adjust
Topaz Adjust: Exposure Correction onOne PhotoFrame Professional: Acrylic Brush
Congratulations! You have gotten through most of the HDR tech talk in the book. Yes, there is more to come, but I thought I'd give you a break and show some examples of how I applied Topaz Adjust to my Photomatix images.
These images are not intended to look like straight photographs. I just played with my photo files—something I encourage you to do, too.
While you are playing, here is something to think about: When you remove the true color from a scene, you remove some of the reality. The same is true when you increase or decrease the sharpness of an image; you alter a viewer's sense of reality. When you remove or alter the reality in a scene, your images become more artistic.
On each page of this chapter, I share the name of the Topaz Adjust effect that I used. You'll also find the name of the digital frame that I used from the PhotoFrame Professional program from onOne Software (
). I added the frames—you guessed it—for added fun! The frames also package the image in a way that makes it appear complete.
Topaz Adjust: Details onOne PhotoFrame Professional: Grunge/Neutral
Topaz Adjust: Spicify onOne PhotoFrame Professional: Brushes/Charcoal ...
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