First Ripple application

In our first application, we'll write a simple program to connect to the network and fetch the account details of a specific Ripple address.

Here's the code that connects to the Ripple test network and fetches the account details of the address: 'r41sFTd4rftxY1VCn5ZDDipb4KaV5VLFy2'. Let's run this code first and then get into the details to learn how it works. Save the following code into a file and give it the name 'get_account.js'

'use strict';const RippleAPI = require('ripple-lib').RippleAPI;const api = new RippleAPI({ server: 'wss://' // Ripple Test Network Address});api.connect().then(() => { const accountAddress = 'r41sFTd4rftxY1VCn5ZDDipb4KaV5VLFy2'; console.log('Fetching account ...

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