Appendix B
AEMA | Action error mode analysis |
AFR | Annual fatality rate |
AIChE | American Institute of Chemical Engineers |
ALARA | As low as reasonably achievable |
ALARP | As low as reasonably practicable |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
ARAMIS | Accidental risk assessment methodology for industries in the framework of the Seveso II directive |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
ATHEANA | A technique for human error analysis |
BDD | Binary decision diagram |
BFR | Binomial failure rate |
BOEMRE | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement |
BORA | Barrier and operational risk analysis |
BPCS | Basic Process Control System |
CAF | Cost of averting a fatality |
CBA | Cost-benefit analysis |
CCF | Common-cause failure |
CCPS | Center for Chemical Process Safety |
CDF | Core damage frequency |
CM | Corrective maintenance |
COCOM | Contextual control model |
CPC | Common performance condition |
CPT | Conditional probability table |
CREAM | Cognitive reliability and error analysis method |
DD | Dangerous detected (failure) |
DoD | U.S. Department of Defense |
DoE | U.S. Department of Energy |
DPM | (Number of) deaths per million |
DU | Dangerous undetected (failure) |
EDF | Electricite de France |
EFBA | Energy flow/barrier analysis |
EFC | Error-forcing context |
EMSA | European Maritime Safety Agency |
EN | European norm (standard) |
EOS | Emergency operations system |
EPA | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
EPC | Error-producing condition |
EPRI | Electric Power Research Institute |
EPSC | European Process ... |
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