Acceptable risk, 593
definition, 106
cause, 140
component failure, 58
definition, 56
individual, 58
normal, 172
system, 58
Accident investigation, 7, 137, 139, 163, 385
Accident model, 141
classification, 142
energy and barrier model, 142
epidemiological, 153
event sequence model, 142
Heinrich's domino model, 142
loss causation model, 142
Reason's Swiss cheese model, 153
Accident prevention, 165
Accident proneness, 140
Accident ratio triangle, 88
Accident scenario, 30–31, 390, 392, 594
definition, 31
Action error mode analysis, 427 See also AEMA
Active failure, 70
objective, 427
worksheet, 428
ALARA, 113
ALARP, 50, 62, 97, 108, 110–113, 594
Alexander Kielland accident, 526
Annual fatality rate, 89
ARIA database, 182
definition, 41
value, 72
analysis procedure, 455
error-forcing context, 455
Availability, 594
Aven, Terje, 23, 115, 133, 181, 405
categories, 55
classification, 365
consequence-reducing, 366
definition, 54
frequency-reducing, 366
material, 369
mitigating, 366
mitigation, 55
physical, 144
primary, 370
definition, 366
properties, 370
definition, ...
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