Manga is a Japanese form of graphic stories and novels that began in the twentieth century. It is similar to American comics.


In her 2007 editorial for BellaOnline, “What Is Anime?,” Leslie Aeschlieman writes “In Japan, anime is used as a blanket term to refer to all animation from all over the world. In English, many dictionaries define it as, “a style of animation developed in Japan.”


Mary Shelley published numerous editions of this novel. The first was in 1818. The second was in 1823. A complete list of editions is available at http://www.rc.umd.edu/editions/frankenstein/textual. A list of differences between the 1818 and 1823 editions is available at http://knarf.english.upenn.edu/Articles/murray.html.


Cyborgs consist of a metal ...

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